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Looking for a way to stay energized throughout your day, but do not want all that extra sugar? Try our newest product, Energy Teas. Using green tea, guarana, or a sucralose energy base, these teas pack a ton of energy into a tasty beverage.  Mix at home and take with you without having to stand in line at your coffee/tea shops. We still definitely encourage you to support your local coffee/tea/nutrition shops, this will provide a great alternative if you can't make it to your favorite shop!


For a full list of ingredients and flavors, check out the Energy Tea Hub.  This hub will be continuously updated as new tea recipes are created. There are also popular additives and extras that you can add from home. Buy as a single serve tea that mixes in a water bottle or buy in a bulk bag that you can measure and mix into a size of your choice!


Sweetened with sucralose (Splenda). The caffeine in these teas comes from green tea and a sucralose energy base. This is by far the best selling type of tea we offer. 


Sweetened with only stevia. Caffeine is derived from green tea and guarana. This tea does NOT have the sucralose energy base. Stevia in general can sometimes have a slight aftertaste, so try a few before you stock up. This is a popular option for those with dietary restrictions or those that react adversely to artificial sweeteners.

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